Donald Trump announced that he would not be holding the Presidential debate that only two candidates were going to show up. Trump said, "I don't want to waist Newt's time and Rick Santorum's time and Donald Trump's time."
How about
WAISTING OUR TIME... DONNY BOY! It never crossed his combed-over mind.....
Movie viewership in theatres in the US is down for the second week in a row to levels of the day after the 9-11 attacks. I have a really big friend who goes to movies alot because the popcorn machine is bigger than his house. I think they even count him as TWO People.
Maybe people don't like sitting in a dark room next to people who are not FACEBOOK Freinds.
The last movie I saw was rated TWO THUMBS DOWN. The review said, "Even two really big Viagaras could not make those THUMBS GO UP!"