Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Opening

I was watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in London and it seems like Bob Costas thnnouncer mentions that all of these countries in the Parade of Nations were like either colonies or slave places or prison countries or Bathroom Rest Areas of England.

I'm glad it all worked out for all these countries and The World.  All pretty much independent and ready to play Kick-Ass Badmitten with each other.

All that Struggle, Death and War and we wind up playing Ping Pong for Bragging Rights. 

Hong Kong had a 99 Year Lease to Britain and never got their security deposit back.

Germany is down in medals and will return to tough East German training techniques.  "Tear Down That Wall Mr. Gorbachov" but smack them on their little Booty!

The country of Madagascar is best known for being the title of  Animated Movies with some kind of animals in them.

Some counties are so cool their only accomplishment is in Field Hockey.  Can you call it Hockey if there is no ice?

And forget about Iran's Nuclear Program to Blow Up Israel.  How are they going to do in Women's Field Hockey?

Sierra Leon had only Two entrants and I think one was carrying the others luggage and driving the Limo!

South Africa has a Man/Woman playing and a guy with metal legs.
Keep an EYE on South Africa!

Hey, there's a country called TOGO.  I'll have my food TO GO and with EXTRA MSG Please!  Hold the TURKEY

Monday, July 02, 2012

Christian Mingle THIS

Hey, What about that dating website

Wait, doesn't GOD Trump the INTERNET?

Doesn't GOD have a bigger WEB than the INTERNET?

GOD doesn't even need a FACEBOOK Page!

Why do we need a Christian Website for Dating? 
Doesn't GOD just set up the whole deal?

Like did Joseph and Mary need a website?  I think they met on a DONKEY!

Find Christians near you!  Wait, Isn't that called A CHURCH!
