Monday, January 02, 2017

Funny Football

Steve Gleason, the onetime New Orleans Saint now stricken with incurable ALS, remains one of the NFL’s most inspiring figures for the way he has fought the ravages of his disease. ALS has taken Gleason’s mobility and his voice, but it hasn’t touched his sense of humor, as evidenced Sunday afternoon.
“BREAKING,” the wheelchair bound Gleason wrote on Twitter, “Steve Gleason had more rushing yards than Reggie Bush this season.”
Ouch! Gleason and Bush were teammates earlier in Bush’s career, so you have to figure this was a bit of good-natured ribbing. Then again, Bush did make the well-intentioned but cringeworthy comment that he hoped Gleason would enjoy a "speedy recovery" from the incurable disease.
Regardless, Gleason is one of the good ones. Bravo to him for still making the world a little better and a little funnier, even at his own expense.View image on Twitter

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