Friday, December 22, 2017

Smokey Holiday

There are endless gifts to get your marijuana-minded loved ones this holiday season. Does your mom love weed? Buy her a trip to a cannabis spa. Does your uncle like to blaze? Pick him up some marijuana-infused BBQ sauce. There's nothing wrong with going the simple route and just bringing home a big bag of nugs—unless, of course, home is somewhere where weed's still illegal.
An elderly couple apparently made that exact mistake this week. Cops in York, Nebraska, arrested an 80-year-old man and an 83-year-old woman for carrying around 60 pounds of marijuana in the back of their pickup truck, the York New-Times reports.
Either the senior citizens have a lot of friends or they were really feeling the gift of giving this year, because they swear that the $336,000 worth of weed was all going to get wrapped up as Christmas gifts.
York County Sheriff's Department deputies pulled over Patrick and Barbara Jiron on Tuesday for driving erratically. As the cops approached the Jirons' truck, they immediately caught a whiff of weed and opted to search the vehicle.
When they did, they discovered bags and bags —and at least one old cheddar cheese ball container—full of marijuana.
The Jirons reportedly told the officers that they were on the road from Clearlake Oaks, California, and headed to Vermont for the holidays to dole out nugs to friends and family like a pair of green-thumbed Santas.
"They said the marijuana was for Christmas presents," Lieutenant Paul Vrbka told the New-Times.
The cops apparently gave a big "bah, humbug" to that and hauled the elderly duo off to jail. The Jirons are now facing felony charges of possession of marijuana with the intent to deliver.

It's unclear whether the couple was actually planning to spread yuletide highs or if they had a secret scheme to sling. Either way, they probably should've been a little more inconspicuous when sneaking weed across state lines. At the very least, they could've disguised the stuff as limes.

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