I'm sitting here in the relative comfort of my living room, waiting to finish Stephen King's 11/22/63, and wondering how he's going to make it all work out. It's pretty safe bet that Ms. Clinton wishes she could climb down through a time-trap door of her own into the recent past, sometime before the Benghazi Nazis committed mayhem, so she could save those four members of the diplomatic corps. Not only to save their lives, but to save her pride and dignity, and avoid the frying pan being swung madly at her coiffured bouffant by the highly partisan partisans running the McCarthyesque Congressional committee she's facing today. Back into the Future may have missed the boat on the Cubs, but the prequel, Blasting Back into the Past, is spot on. One Joe tells us he's not running, and on the flip side another Joe is drooling in anticipation as he awaits the arrival of Elia Kazan in the witness box.
Of course, this could turn out to be the best publicity she could ever hope to have. If the American people were wondering how she would perform under pressure and if she had the chops to demonstrate her detailed knowledge of foreign policy and the intimate workings of the military, they're getting their money's worth. And if anyone doubted that right-wing wackos were running amok in the halls of Congress, they now not only have Senator Cruz to fear, they also have these bozo fools to suffer.
Remember the last time a Clinton was under the gun by these same wackos? It was all over some hanky-panky in the Oval Orifice. How times have changed. Or not. And then we had the Clarence Thomas hearings, followed by the Clarence Thomas rulings, which included pulling the rug out from under Al Gore, and handing the reins of government over to Junior, who led us into the worst foreign policy disaster in modern history. Which brings us full circle to Libya and these circus hearings. What comes around, goes around, bites you in the ass, and doesn't even leave a hickey. Stay tuned for Donald's take on this. But I forgot, he already thinks she was the worst Secretary of State in American history.
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