Thursday, January 01, 2009

Bullet in Head

Thursday, January 01, 2009
Bullit in Head
In Riviera Beach, Florida a shooting victim went to work with a bullet in his head.
Hell, I feel like I have a bullet in my head every day where I work!

Actor Jeremy Pevin left the Broadway show SPEED THE PLOW because he said, "He had MERCURY POISONING!"
The producer did not believe him and said Jeremy was going to get a job as a THERMOMETER!

Wlidlife Experts said Santa's Reindeers were probably MALE because most FEMALE reindeer are prgnant at Christmas and "You don't hook up your pregnant females to a sled."
Now they tell me. I'll be right back. I have to go and unhook my wife from our sled!

HAPPY New year

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