Sunday, December 19, 2010

Football Urine

I was watching the football game

and a drug commercial came on and the actor said that

"They have trouble PASSING URINE!".....

I thought

Maybe you have trouble PASSING URINE because

No wants to CATCH IT!!!!!

If you do PASS URINE, make it a FORWARD PASS....

No side-ways LATERALS at The Urinal...

I could understand if they were

Stuffed Up and Constipated

because they had a


My Dad used to say at the dinner table....

"Pass the corn, the salt

and a little bit of URINE while your at it....

It was always wet around our dinner table

but we all knew we didn't have
whatever disease they had in that commercial ! ! !

By the way, which way is the REST ROOM?

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