Saturday, December 11, 2010


I just found out that Charles Manson follower Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme is out of jail after 30 years!
That crazy killer Squeaky is free! 
WOW...  Hope she goes on MATCH.COM....
Maybe we could hook up.....

Could you imagine dating a girl named SQUEAKY? 
Do you have to feed her cheese?
Would my Christmas Present be EARPLUGS every year?
Do you squirt Olive Oil on her at Salad Bars?
Would the word ANNOYING pop up in my thoughts often?

And she's a killer on top of it!
You can kiss that cockroach problem in the kitchen goodbye.... 

I don't know why more killers just don't work in the PEST CONTROL Business.  Exterminating 60,000 bedbugs seems like it just might dilute some of that  
"I just have to poison somebody today"

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