Friday, November 25, 2011

Cooked Husband

A woman in Pakistan is accused of Killing and Cooking her husband.  I think he's dead. 

In her defense, It was Thanksgiving and she did think he was a "Real Turkey!" 

She said nobody had "Stuffed" anything or anybody.  Hannibal Lecter came to dinner and there were no leftovers. 

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Warhorse 4 Holidays

Hollywood is coming around to the people and animal experience.

Kind of the ultimate Youtube CAT VIDEO.

"Warhorse", about the relationships of animals, humans and wars and " I Bought a Zoo" about a family that buys a zoo tug at the heart really easily....

2 movies about animals and people being released on one Christmas day.

I mean we have had a talking mule, a talking pig, King Kong trying to connect with humans, wolfs wanting to be humans, a velvet horse, bats wanting to be humans, a doctor who talked to animals, a killer shark, happy feet, a whale named Moby, a Rin Tin Tin, some Mickey mice, a boobie named Scoobie, hundreds of dalmations, snakes on a plane (No xtra fee), a Mexican dog in Beverly Hills, a killer rat named Ben, a bunch of bears with Yogi, smartass chipmuncks, good old Lassie and a BFF chimp named Cheeta.........

But never TWO Animal/Human movies on one Christmas day!
Happy Holidays         Animal and People            Adopt a Pet

Tuesday, November 08, 2011

Herman Cain Sex Scandal

One TV commentator referring to the Herman Cain Sexual Harrassment Scandal said,
"By speaking out on camera, Cain's fourth accuser, Sharon Bialek, put a face on this...." 

Ms. Bialek looked down at her lap and said, "Herman Cain, while speaking into my ear, put a hand on THIS!"


I just think Herman needs a night out at The Jersey Shore with SNOOKI
That should set him straight!

Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Herman Cain Harrassment

Herman Cain said, "I lead the Republican Ticket because I am an OUTSIDER!"

He then stated, "I am up for sexual harrassment of that lady because I wanted to be INSIDE HER!"