Friday, December 28, 2012

Fiscal Cliff

Or is it FECAL Cliff?  Lawmakers negotiations sound like a bunch of CRAP to me.

Republicans say, "We can't STRESS enough the importance of having NO STRESS!"

Some Senators are not so smart and need
Fiscal Cliff NOTES......
Provided by a TEA PARTY.

Can't see the future or tax the rich.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Love Hurts

Richard Adams Dead: Gay Marriage Pioneer Dies At Age 65

He was Killed by HIS HUSBAND!

Just Kidding.  

What about that 80 year old tennis ref they thought killed her husband with a coffee mug... 
Talk about getting MUGGED.
Was it a BACKHAND or FOREHAND Judge?
No coffee for me...
Love Hurts......:}

Monday, November 12, 2012

Iceland - NEW NAME

I heard ICELAND is looking for a New Name.



Friday, October 19, 2012

Late 4 WORK

Guy shows up late for work.

Boss says, "You should have been here at 8:30!!!!

Guy says, "Why?  What happened at 8:30? 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Honey Boo Boo Trump

Names of Stars released for CELEBRITY APPRENTICE Season.

First thing Donald Trump yelled was,
"What NO HONEY BOO BOO?!?!?!"

Mitt Romney has all his women in a BINDER. 
His favorite song is Bruce Springstein's

But He says He will not keep HIS DOG in a BINDER.

And no Mr. Romney

Sandra Bullock was not in "The Bind Side". 
I don't know what she did with JESSE JAMES in private...


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Texting for OLD PEOPLE

Teens have their texting codes (LOL, OMG, TTYL, etc.).
Not to be outdone by these little SNK (snotty nosed kids), now, finally us long-suffering seniors have our own texting codes!

Texting for Seniors as follows:
At the Doctor's
BFF - Best Friend's Funeral
BTW - Bring the Wheelchair
BYOT - Bring your own teeth
CBM - Covered by Medicare
CUATSC - See You at the Senior Center
DWI - Driving While Incontinent
FWBB - Friend with Beta Blockers
FWIW - Forgot Where I Was
FYI - Found Your Insulin
GGPBL - Gotta Go, Pacemaker Battery Low
GHA - Got Heartburn Again
IMHO - Is My Hearing-Aid On?
LMDO - Laughing My Dentures Out
LOL - Living on Lipitor
OMMR - On My Massage Recliner
ROFL..CGU - Rolling on the Floor Laughing...Can't get Up!
TOT - Texting on Toilet
TTYL - Talk to You Louder
WTP - Where are the Prunes
WWNO - Walker Wheels Need Oil

Hope these help!GGLKI - Gotta Go, Laxative Kicking In

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

JESUS Married

New evidence came out that claims JESUS was married.  If JESUS got married, what would you get him for a Wedding Present?

What do you get for the Son of God and his new wife?

Some souls?  Planet Earth?  A couple of new robes?
How about a new Donkey with GPS?  Some water that He could turn into wine for the party?

He is a Carpenter....Maybe a gift card from The Rome Depot!

Another question
Did they meet on Christian Mingle dot Bible?

And if anyone thinks they want to RIOT after this blog, how about just putting a NASTY remark in the COMMENTS SECTION instead.  

Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Gwen Steffani Question????

Has She CHANGED CLOTHES since 1990?

Sunday, September 02, 2012

Labor Day

Why are we celebrating LABOR Day?
Why is LABOR Day a Holiday Anymore?

12% of Americans are UNION Workers

12%  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why don't we call it  BIG BOSSES DAY!!!!!


RICH GUYS RULE Day!!!!!!!!!!


Guy with MONEY Does Not PAY TAXES Day!!!!!

LABOR DAY??????  Get me my Horse and Buggy   WTF

Tuesday, August 07, 2012

Shooting Hugging Memory Olympics

The United States won the SHOOTING Gold Medal at the Olympics.  Is anyone SURPRISED!

The Event Venues were a School, Movie Theater and Temple.

The athletes at The Games hug each other often in Volleyball and Gymnastics and other sports.

Women hugging each other and Men hugging each another after every point sometimes.  I don't think these games are sponsored by chic fil a!

They talked about MUSCLE MEMORY for the athletes at the Olympics.

I'm lucky if my muscles remember when they USED TO exercise!

Wednesday, August 01, 2012

Booby Bloomberg

New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to make it illegal to drink large drinks and sodas in New York City. 

Now he is requireing women to Breast Feed!

SO NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A Woman cannot Breastfeed her baby within the limits of New York City if she has Breasts Larger than 16 ounces each.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Olympic Opening

I was watching the opening ceremonies of the Olympics in London and it seems like Bob Costas thnnouncer mentions that all of these countries in the Parade of Nations were like either colonies or slave places or prison countries or Bathroom Rest Areas of England.

I'm glad it all worked out for all these countries and The World.  All pretty much independent and ready to play Kick-Ass Badmitten with each other.

All that Struggle, Death and War and we wind up playing Ping Pong for Bragging Rights. 

Hong Kong had a 99 Year Lease to Britain and never got their security deposit back.

Germany is down in medals and will return to tough East German training techniques.  "Tear Down That Wall Mr. Gorbachov" but smack them on their little Booty!

The country of Madagascar is best known for being the title of  Animated Movies with some kind of animals in them.

Some counties are so cool their only accomplishment is in Field Hockey.  Can you call it Hockey if there is no ice?

And forget about Iran's Nuclear Program to Blow Up Israel.  How are they going to do in Women's Field Hockey?

Sierra Leon had only Two entrants and I think one was carrying the others luggage and driving the Limo!

South Africa has a Man/Woman playing and a guy with metal legs.
Keep an EYE on South Africa!

Hey, there's a country called TOGO.  I'll have my food TO GO and with EXTRA MSG Please!  Hold the TURKEY

Monday, July 02, 2012

Christian Mingle THIS

Hey, What about that dating website

Wait, doesn't GOD Trump the INTERNET?

Doesn't GOD have a bigger WEB than the INTERNET?

GOD doesn't even need a FACEBOOK Page!

Why do we need a Christian Website for Dating? 
Doesn't GOD just set up the whole deal?

Like did Joseph and Mary need a website?  I think they met on a DONKEY!

Find Christians near you!  Wait, Isn't that called A CHURCH!


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bieber HOT

It is Soooooooooo HOT!

It is Hotter than Jerry Sandusky tickeling Justin Bieber in a shower after a Penn State Game...


China sent the first lady into space.

Her father wanted a boy!

A guy got caught making Meth in the bathroom of a WALMART Store.

It was the only thing in the store made in AMERICA!

Heat Alert Use Mass Transit.

MASS Transit.....Is that how Catholics go back and forth to church?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Palin Mccain Today

If they did one thing in their career
Sarah Palin and John McCain

Saturday, June 09, 2012

Lindsay Lohan Question

Lindsay Lohan crashed her Porsche into the back of a dump truck.

The big question is

What the Hell was that Truck doing there??????

Bad Truck Driver!

Lindsay can't think of everything now can she?!?!?

Why was that stupid Truck in front of her? 

She has been so good.  She hasen't been in trouble in like a Month!

I have the car for her...............................

Sunday, June 03, 2012

Zombie Apocalypse Advice

A man in Miami happens upon a homeless man on the sidewalk and chews off 75% of his face in an 18-minute attack. The attacker's mother later says her son is not a zombie as portrayed in the media.

Authorities in Canada have launched a massive manhunt for a suspect after a severed hand was sent to Canada's Liberal Party, a foot to the Conservatives and a torso was stuffed in a suitcase and tossed in the trash of the Montreal apartment building where he lived.

A Maryland man admits to killing his housemate, cutting him up, then eating his heart and part of his brain.

A New Jersey man rips his torso open and throws bits of his intestines at police, according to the Bergen Record.

Here's some advice...................

Don't sleep near any SALT and PEPPER shakers.

Elvis Presley did not sing "LOVE ME TENDER-IZED"

If someone asks you out to DINNER make sure YOU are not on the MENU.

Remember Victor is your COUSIN not your CUISINE.

Just because SHE's A CRAB does not mean that you EAT HER.

Don't pick your nose.  And don't pick anyone else's nose or BRAINS or INTESTINES.

Have the Chicken Fingers not the HUMAN FINGERS.

If the waiter brings you ribs.  Make sure they were not surgically removed from THE BUSBOY.
And finally, leave the restaurant immediaetly if Jeffrey Dalmer and Hannibal Lector are dining next to you.

One last question......Does it count if I BITE MY NAILS?

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trump and the Tan Lady

                                 Is Donald Trump starting to look like a RACCOON with those tan lines?
                  We should check his BIRTH CERTIFICATE to make sure he is not related to this lady!

Monday, May 28, 2012

Gaga Sign CEO

Someone threatened to tenderize her meat dress
and that country has a very strict FACE CODE!
I think this sign company might need a few more workers in the creative department!

I want to work at a company where the CEO doesn't really wear a real shirt!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Outlaw Forces

Here's a few things I saw in the news
These are the famous Outlaws Bonnie and Bonnie
Just in time too.  She was about to eat THE KITCHEN!


Saturday, May 26, 2012

Pregnant Man Food Network

Just a Few Items in the News Today
What's the MAJOR Announcement?
 Swallowed a bottle of ZANAX?

Monday, May 21, 2012

Robin Gibb

Hey everybody

Robin Gibb is not STAYIN ALIVE


Donna Summers and Robin Gibb, two Disco Icons dead within three days of each other.


Thanks for the great tunes YOU TWO !

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Drunk Doctor

I got a bad ear infection. 
I asked the Drunken Doctor why and he said,
"You got infected mainly because you're full of shit!"

I told the Drunk Doctor that I thought I was growing Whiskers.
He asked if I had ice for the Whiskey.

I told him I had a CRAMP and PAIN and the Drunk Doctor said,
"That Champaigne better be chilled!"

And guy came in and said he was SHOT!
The Drunk Doctor said, "Make that a DOUBLE SHOT for me baby!"

A woman came in with a bad cut and the Drunk Doctor told me,
"It's just BLOODY MARY. And I don't make much of a CELERY!"

Then a guy came in and said he stepped on something sharp
The Drunk Doctor knew immediately He had a RUSTY NAIL.

Someone was pounding in the office next to the Drunk Doctor and he said it was HARVEY WALLBANGER.

By the way, the nurse in the Drunk Doctor's office is named MARGARITA!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

Cinco de Mayo

Happy Cinco De Mayo!
Is this the celebration of Mexican Independence or
is this the day when Drug Cartels kill Five People in every town?

Friday, May 04, 2012

Tanning Booth Lady

That tanning booth woman accused of taking her 6 year old daughter into the tanning booth is from Nutley, New Jersey.  The team mascot for their high school is the Nutley NUTS!

I think she qualifies as the NEW MASCOT!

Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Mitt ROMNEY's Dog

Hey. Don't get Mitt Romney MAD at you.

He won't

He will

Monday, April 30, 2012

Play station 2 Die 4

....An angry four-year-old Saudi boy shot and killed his father for refusing to buy him a PlayStation, Saudi media reported on Monday.

The Asharq daily, citing police in the southern Jizan area, said the child, aged four years and seven months, grabbed his father's pistol and shot him in the head.

According to the newspaper, the child had asked his father to buy him a PlayStation and the shooting took place after the man returned home without the desired object.

As he was undressing, the man put the weapon down, which the child then grabbed and fired at him from close range.

Don't let that kid have any ANGRY BIRDS!


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Hog Shot

A Florida hunter accidentally shot his girlfriend thinking that she was his target -- a wild hog.

Cops said that Brandon man Steven Egan, 52, was hunting from a tent in Flagler County on Saturday when Egan heard a noise that he thought was similar to that of his prey. He took a shot at it, not realizing his significant other wasn't in the tent with him.
The shot sent a .30-caliber rifle bullet through both of 52-year-old Lisa Simmons' legs. Simmons was airlifted to the hospital where she was recovering from surgery on Sunday.
Egan maintained that he fired in the first place because he had seen a real hog just minutes before the accidental shooting, WFTV reported. No charges were filed.

Egan didn't know whether he felt bad that he shot his girlfriend or felt worse because he thought she was a HOG!

At first he claimed he thought he was being attacked by Rosie O'Donnell!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

secret service prostitutes

These Secret Service agents involved in the Columbian Sex Scandal should be working on all of our foriegn debt. Do some business in a foriegn land and then say, "What, I owe you money? No! I was drunk!" We could reduce the money we owe other countries in no time. We could really speed it up if we hire that Dominic Strauss Kahn guy! Check this video

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Bin Laden Replacement

This guy kinda looks like Bin Laden.  Like a younng Osama!
Good Replacement

Just put some Glasses on him

..BRIDGEPORT, Conn. - Police say a five-year-old Connecticut boy brought 50 packets of heroin to school for show and tell, and his stepfather has been arrested.

The father was arrested because that school was really HIP and wanted 60 Bags of HEROIN for Show and Tell.  It was more like a Show and Fall Asleep in your chair class.

Bridgeport police tell the Connecticut Post that 35-year-old Santos Roman went to the Barnum School on Monday to retrieve the drugs and found police waiting for him.

  Go for a lunch bag, a school bag but not a HEROIN Bag!

Monday, April 09, 2012

US open Bubba

Is it not appropriate that a guy named Bubba won the US Open Golf tournament at a golf club where they won't accept women.

Camptown Ladies sing dis song Doodah!  Doodah!

Saturday, April 07, 2012

Poop Transplant

When death was knocking on the door of a Canadian man, he took drastic measures to save his own life -- with a self-injected fecal transplant.
The poop-injecting patient is a 66-year-old man from Albert Bridge, Nova Scotia, who suffered from a bacterial infection known as Clostridium difficile, or C. difficile, since undergoing routine surgery 18 months ago.

I wanted to do a Fecal Transplant but my Wife told me I was already FULL OF CRAP!

It was an extreme case of sexual frustration.

Inez Nunez, 18, was arrested on Tuesday for allegedly punching her boyfriend in the face because he wouldn't have sex with her.

Ms. Nunez told Police, "The strange thing was most of my boyfriends liked to get punched in the face while having sex with me!"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Tebow Out

Peyton Manning is in Denver talking with John Elway about Peyton replacing Tim Tebow as the number one quarterback in Denver.

I think Tim better get down on BOTH knees.  I think his call to God just got DROPPED.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Same Sex Fighting

They a fighting over same-sex mariage in Maine.
Hey, let them get married first, then they can fight all they want!

There was a shooting in an Oklahoma Courthouse today.
You litterally ask yourself, "Wae this the shooting from the day before?"
Or  "Which school are they locking down now?  Is that the same one as two days ago?"  This all has to slow down!

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Gingrich Wife Simpsons

Does Newt Gingrich's wife

 resemble Mr. Burns of The Simpson's?

Just A Little?

Wednesday, March 07, 2012


Dharun Ravi, the kid who web cam'ed Tyler Clementi who killed himself because the he was web cam'ed having gay sex at Rutgers University will probably go to prison and wind up having gay sex like he was going to laugh at Tyler having in his room.
Wow    Anal Karma   What goes around comes around and gets you right up the rear end!
And some big gang members will be laughing at him

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Super Tuesday Putin

Russia Elections: Putin Wins, Critics Plan Protests
Putin plans swim across river with no shirt on!
Is that guy on steroids?  Or did he just hit his head somewhere?

Rick Santorum Defends Birth Control Position
You can control births by some Sex Position!

China Lead Pollution Reportedly Poisons Over 100 Children
They said those kids were "Lead Pollution Testers"

Romney's Washington Win Tightens Screws On Santorum
I thought Rick Santorum did not like anything dealing with Two Guys Screwing!

Catholic Cardinal Calls For 'Freedom Of Religion Battle'
98% of Catholic Woman say, "Whatever!"

America’s Most Fuel Efficient Cars
Are Parked!

Investigation: Saints Ran Bounty Program Rewarding Hits
The Saints Don't sound like Saints!

Kathryn Bigelow's Bin Laden Movie Running Into Trouble
What? Bin Laden didn't show up!

Craigslist Used To Find Dogs For Sex
And the yucky thing is that they were not just talking about unattractive people!

Drunk Zamboni Driver Busted For DUI
They suspected something when he tried to turn the entire ice rink into a giant Margarita!

CVS Accidentally Gives Kids Breast Cancer Medication Instead Of Fluoride Pills
The boys now have Large Breasts and plenty of cavities!

Monday, March 05, 2012

snooki prego

I didn't know they bred in captivity.
New Show
Baby Shore!

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Crimefighter Miami

Miami valedictorian could be deported
He is just too smart for the Miami area!

Puppy wandering streets becomes top K-9 crime fighter
It worked out really well since they cut the police force by 50%. 
There's just A Dog walking around with a hat!

Community Infuriated by Serial Killer Tour
If you are a hooker in Long Island, try to take a long vacation!

Resolution Urges 'Personhood' Rights For Sperm'
How would you like to bring that up on the first date
Maybe Christian Mingle dot com
Where they Mingle Until HE Tingles

Mechanic Can Give Thumbs Up With His Toe
I don't know if that is actually considered a "Thumbs Up"
The good news
He can "Hitch-Hike" when wearing sandals!

Robots Can Apply For Driver's Licenses In Nevada
I had a Robot drive me once.
It was really my wife
Hung Over and at the wrong Time of the Month!!


Saturday, March 03, 2012

Rush Bomb

So Rush Limbaugh had a bomb threat.
He called a woman bad names and is trouble.
Things are going The President's way.
The Republican Senator from Maine is giving up her seat.
Birth Control issues resolving.
The Stock Market is higher than 2008.
Unemployment is dropping.
Home prices are rising.
Detroit bailed out.
Osama dead.
Kadafi no more.
Republicans confused.  Chasing tail in a circle.
North Korea just gave up Nuke Threat.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Dead Monkee

Davy Jones of The Monkees died.  Hey, Hey a Dead Monkee.  People thought he Monkeed around.  He was too busy playin...  Too put anybody down

And it came out that Tiger Woods wanted to be a Navy Seal if not a Pro Golfer.
Problem was The Navy Seals didn't have enough LADIES in it.

The Leader of The Texas 7 Prison-Break Gang was put to death today.
Oh, by the way, they go by the name of The Texas 6 That Didn't-Really-Break-out-of-prison Gang now.

And what's with this Danica Patrick?  Has she ever won a race?  Is she just one big walking Go Daddy dot com advertisment?  She crashed in the second lap this time.  This morning she crashed leaving her garage.  We might have to check her license!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Rick Santorum Conservative

Rick Santorum is so conservative he won't GO DOWN in an ELEVATOR

Rick Santorum is so conservative he let a UPS Guy hand him HIS PACKAGE

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Whitney Houston

Poor Whitney

Hope that Conrad Murray wasn't around her!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Life Expectancy

This is a calculator that estimates your life expectancy. It's pretty cool.

It was developed by Northwestern Mutual Life.

It's interesting that there are only 13 questions.

Yet, they believe they can predict how long you're likely to live.

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Mitt, Newt and Steven Tyler

I think Mitt Romney should be running for the President of Switzerland!

Mitt Great-Grandfather, Miles Parker Romney, had too many wives and moved them to Mexico.

Mitt Romney has too many dollars and moved them to Switzerlan and The Caymen Islands!

And Newt Gingrich was a lobbyist with ethics violations who cheated on his wives.

And don't mess with his wife Callista.....

She will cut you man.... with her hair!

Hey, don't worry Republicans,

I heard that Steven Tyler will be ready to jump into the race right after he's fitted for his Wonder Bra.

Dude looks like a lady!


At work you can hold up this picture and yell out loud,

"Steven Tyler has bigger boobs than......" (stop and pause)

One girl, some girl will definitly yell out, "Me!"  

Girls know.  They just know.

Friday, January 13, 2012

John Edward's Girlfriends Box

Ex Presidential candidate John Edwards who had an affair and a love-child with another woman while his wife was dying of cancer, has major heart problems.
Doctors are having a hard time FINDING one in him!

They say his illness is LIFE Threatening.  How about when ELIZABETH found out about the other woman?
Now that probably got near LIFE Threatening.  She probably slapped him so hard!

A man in England was so bored with his fiance that he put her in a computer box and tried to
bury her alive.
He proved the old Proverb: 
Can't live with them.....
and Can't keep them buried alive in a computer box!

Tim Tebow & Katy Perry

Katy Perry may start dating Tim Tebow according to Evangelical TMZ.

He is a Christian.  She was a big Christian singing star.  Her parents are Ministers.

I heard GOD made the fix on that whole Russel and Katy marraige thingy.

Russel was Hot and Cold and Drunk and Stoned and addicted to sex like an E.T. (Eternal Teenager)

And I also heard that when Tim Tebow Kissed A Girl it was his Mother!

Katy had a Teenage Dream that Tim would fall for a California Gurl.

He's a  Firework.

And Maybe one day she'll be Waking Up In Vegas with a BRONCO.

A match made in Heaven.